Anthropology for Product Management: How can an anthropologist help me build and sell better products?

The St. Louis Product Management Group met Thursday, November 15, 2012 for a special presentation:

Anthropology for Product Management: How can an anthropologist help me build and sell better products?

–> Download the slides (1 MB PDF)

Meeting are open to everyone — there is no charge to attend, RSVPs on our LinkedIn Events page are suggested but not required.

Overview: Humans are the purchasers of all products. Understanding their behavior, cultural influences and social dynamics is key to capturing more market share. Traditional research like focus groups, surveys and shopper intercepts are only part of the picture of buyer behavior. We will examine the tools of ethnography and how this anthropological research method can uncover additional insights and levels of buying motivation and unarticulated needs. Anthropologists are increasingly showing up in organizations driving consumer insights and product design. Find out why every company should have an anthropologist.

About the presenter, Paula Gray: Paula is an anthropologist with the Association of International Product Marketing & Management. She uses her knowledge of anthropology, human interaction and cultural framework and helps product managers, brand managers and marketers get what she calls a “deeper than demographics” holistic view of their customer and their corporate culture. She believes that any time humans are involved in a process, anthropology can yield insight. Her favorite saying is “I’m an anthropologist, nothing humans do surprises me.”

RSVPs on our LinkedIn Events page are suggested but not required.

–> Download the slides (1 MB PDF)

Here’s the details:

  • 5:30pm: Arrivals, informal networking
  • 6:00pm: Meeting begins
  • 7:30pm-ish: Meeting adjourns
  • Location: SAVVIS; 1 SAVVIS Parkway, Chesterfield, MO, 63017. (Google map of SAVVIS)
  • Directions from the West:
    • Take 64/40 East to Woods Mill / Highway 141 (Exit 22)
    • At the end of the exit ramp, go straight (parallel to 64/40)
    • Move to the right, following signs for South Outer Forty
    • The SAVVIS building will be on your right; turn right after you pass it and park in the main parking lot on the South side of the building
    • Follow signs in through the main entrance
  • Directions from the East:
    • Take 64/40 West to Woods Mill / Highway 141 (Exit 22)
    • Move to the right and follow signs for South Outer Forty
    • You will make a U-turn under the highway, and then move to the right, following signs for South Outer Forty
    • The SAVVIS building will be on your right; turn right after you pass it and park in the main parking lot on the South side of the building
    • Follow signs in through the main entrance
  • Thanks to SAVVIS for providing the facilities for this meeting!